Welcome to the documentation for osmg


OpenSees_Model_Generator (osmg) is a Python package designed to facilitate the definition and analysis of 3D models using OpenSees. Its main goal is to simplify the process of creating large models of complex geometry, by providing a set of useful functions and classes. It is worth noting that osmg currently supports only a subset of the capabilities of OpenSees, but it can be easily extended to add more functionality as needed. This makes it a great tool for users who are already familiar with OpenSees and are looking for a more streamlined model creation process. OpenSees is incredibly powerful, and the goal of osmg is to encourage greater adoption by technical users, by providing commonly used functionality as boilerplate code, thus reducing the time and effort involved in model creation and analysis.


This module is intended for advanced users who are capable of understanding the source code and have the ability to modify and extend it to meet their specific needs. A strong understanding of dataclasses and previous experience using OpenSees is required for proper use of this module. Those who are not familiar with these concepts and tools will benefit from learning more about them before using this module.


Please note that osmg is currently in beta and may contain bugs. While every effort has been made to ensure its stability, it is advised to use caution when using it in production environments. Additionally, it should be kept in mind that future versions of this module may introduce breaking changes, which could affect code that relies on earlier versions. To minimize the risk of issues, it is recommended to keep up to date with the latest version and adjust the syntax as instructed in the changelogs. If you encounter any issues with the documentation or the code itself, please consider reporting them by opening an issue on Github. Note that the documentation is a work in progress.

The osmg Workflow

The general workflow enabled by the module is the following:

  1. Instantiate model objects and define their components.

  2. Perform preprocessing operations.

  3. Define load case and analysis objects.

  4. Run the analyses.

  5. Post-process the analysis results.

Actual interaction with OpenSees only happens at step #4.

Installing osmg

It is recommended to use a virtual environment to manage the dependencies of this module. Anaconda or Miniconda are some valid options. Installation instructions can be found here.

osmg is available on PyPI, but it is recommended to install it in development mode instead.

Installing from PyPI

# create a conda environment
conda create --name your_env_name_here python=3.9
# activate the environment
conda activate your_env_name_here
# install scikit-geometry
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-geometry
# install osmg from PyPI in that environment
python -m pip install osmg

It is recommended to install scikit-geometry before installing osmg. This dependency is used to perform tributary area analyses for load distribution calculations, but it is optional.

Installing in development mode

mkdir parent_directory_where_you_would_like_to_have_osmg
cd parent_directory_where_you_would_like_to_have_osmg
git clone https://github.com/ioannis-vm/OpenSees_Model_Generator
cd OpenSees_Model_Generator
conda create --name your_env_name_here python=3.9
conda activate your_env_name_here
python -m pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
conda install scikit-geometry -c conda-forge
python -m pip install -e .